Posts Tagged ‘Christopher Nolan’

After the success of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy it was only fitting to see the return of Superman to the big screen. While Brian Singer’s attempt at bringing back the Christopher Reeve version of the “Man of Steel” in Superman Returns fell just short of a colossal failure, Nolan felt that going the route of a reboot was necessary. He brought on Zack Snyder, of 300 fame, as the director and David S. Goyer to write the script. The end result was a film for the ages and a glorious return of Superman.

At first I was a little skeptical that the film would succeed. The only theories I had to back this up were the last three Superman movies. Then as Man of Steel started I was whisked away once again to Krypton, and that’s where the nostalgia kicked in. Seeing Russell Crowe taking on the legendary role of Superman’s father Jor-El was special, and seeing him fight General Zod to defend his son felt like a Gladiator moment. Michael Shannon, whom I enjoyed seeing in Boardwalk Empire and The Iceman, really took the role of General Zod to new heights. I enjoyed seeing the conflict between these two characters just as much as when the roles were filled by the legendary Marlon Brando and Terence Stamp respectively in the original movie.

While the supporting cast was brilliant, the big question centered around Superman himself. Henry Cavill had some big shoes to fill. The shadow of Christopher Reeve loomed too large for Brandon Routh to succeed in the role in Superman Returns. Cavill however had a clean slate, although there was still plenty of pressure that came with donning the suit and cape. Cavill nailed it! He was fantastic as he brought a new perspective to the character. I could feel his conflict about keeping his secret along with wanting to come out and tell the world that he’s Superman. Also his relationship with Lois Lane, played by Amy Adams (excellent casting by the way), was handled much better. I’m perfectly alright with Lane knowing that Clark Kent is Superman. It just feels more real, and also makes for some great storytelling.

So what did I enjoy about Man of Steel? Well for one thing they made Superman feel more like Superman. No more holding back just how powerful “The Last Son of Krypton” really is. Seeing Superman learn to fly and eventually break the sound barrier was awesome. He even threw punches showing how strong he was. Heat vision was badass. However, the best part was his end battle with General Zod. Absolutely fantastic! As for the supporting cast, Lois Lane was empowering. Seeing her now have to keep Superman’s secret makes for a complete role reversal. The relationship with Clark Kent’s parents felt more central to the core story via flashbacks bringing more emotion that what was sorely lacking in the original movie. Let me also add that Antje Traue was outstanding, and literally stole the show as Sub-Commander Faora.

Man of Steel is a solid reboot for the Superman franchise. It’s a well done origin story along with superb acting by the cast. With Nolan producing and Snyder at the helm the future is looking really good. However, the big question would have to be who will Superman battle next? I’d love to see Lex Luthor who can become the arch nemesis like The Joker was in The Dark Knight. Then again I can also see characters including Braniac who’s presence is quite demanded by fans on the big screen as well as Doomsday to bring in a “Death of Superman” type of film. No matter what happens expectations from fans like myself will be at an all-time high, but I’m sure the team can deliver. For now I’m just happy to see Superman back where he belongs once again.

It’s been four years since The Dark Knight. A film that I consider one of the best superhero movies of all time. I’ve always said to myself “I wonder how Christopher Nolan is going to top this.” Well the wait is finally over. No more teasers. My expectations are at an all time high. Then after about 20 minutes of previews the film finally began. After the nearly three hour showing I concluded that The Dark Knight has risen once again, and the result is nothing short of absolutely amazing. Not only was The Dark Knight Rises the best film of the summer. It’s the best film of the year. Academy Awards committee take notice. This film needs to win some awards.

Eight years have passed since the events of The Dark Knight. Gotham City is at peace. Batman is still a wanted man, but hasn’t been seen. Then again neither has Bruce Wayne. He’s become a hermit hiding in the rebuilt Wayne Manor yet still contributes to society. However, a new threat has made it’s way to Gotham. Bane. This madman is looking to destroy Gotham. Of course let’s also not forget about Selina Kyle who’s causing her own mischief as Catwoman. As things take a turn for the worse the people begin to question “Where is Batman? Will he come back?”

The Dark Knight Rises starts out just a bit slow as the storyline is introduced, but doesn’t take that long for the action to pick up. The first half concentrates more on the story while the second half up to the awe inspiring ending takes the approach of occupation to an all out war for the control of Gotham City with Batman and Bane taking center stage. The ending gives you a satisfying conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s epic trilogy and in a way leaves a slight opening for more although it’s really not needed.

Christian Bale returns once again as Bruce Wayne/Batman and does an excellent job with the role as usual. While the majority of the film centers around Bruce Wayne more than Batman, I still enjoyed the journey that featured a character going from all- time low in his life to the eventual point of redemption. Gary Oldman played a good role again as Commissioner Gordon. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was outstanding as Officer John Blake.

I really have to commend the performance of Tom Hardy who played the villainous Bane. His presence and physicality was commanding, but it was his voice through the mask that gripped me. From the first moment he spoke, I began to draw back memories of James Earl Jones when he did the voice of Darth Vader. It was both amazing and creepy at the same time. This version of Bane was more than just physically strong. He was also smart and cunning. Much better than the version that was shown in the shitty Batman and Robin where he was a big dumb brute and spoke with one word sentences.

I also enjoyed Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle/Catwoman. Sure some people didn’t like the outfit when it was first revealed, but when I saw her on screen in her tight costume I immediately said “Holy shit! She looks so hot!” Then again no matter what Anne wore she still looked amazing. Her performance had just a hint of Michelle Pfeiffer when she donned the catsuit in Batman Returns, but the rest was her own interpretation making it both fun and original.

Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is an amazement to behold. These films were a big improvement over the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher movies from the late 80s and 90s. The Dark Knight Rises is a thrilling final chapter  in the Batman story that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Once I left the theater during the ending credits I wanted to sneak into another showing just to get another fix. I can guarantee that I will be seeing this film again before it’s eventual release on Blu-Ray later this year.

Check out this trailer using the audio of The Dark Knight Rises film with the video from Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham City video game.